This is probably bad for business, but I’m going to tell you some of our top-secret marketing strategies. Please keep it between us.
Below, you’ll find 5 of our go-to marketing secrets that many teams overlook.
1. Strategies Start With Their Ends
Repeat after me, “What is the goal for this work and how does it help move us forward?” The answer to that question should be at the heart of everything you do.
But for whatever reason it’s not followed by marketing professionals as often as it should be. You know how they say the fish can’t see the water? Well, sometimes you’re that fish, and the water is your campaign strategy.
If you jump into any downstream marketing tactic without asking how it’s going to get you closer to your specific and measurable goals, you may end up wasting a lot of valuable time.
So, before you even begin to update your website, draft a customer email blast, or create a social media schedule, work with your team and determine:
- What is the goal of this specific campaign?
- What benchmarks are we starting with?
- How will we measure success?
- What steps do we ask users to take next?
Only when those questions get answered should you get started.
2. If You’re Talking to Everybody, You’re Talking to Nobody
Ask business owners who they want to sell their product or service to, and many will say, “Why everyone, of course!”
While this thinking may seem logical when trying to grow a business, it’s actually a fool-proof way to get crickets.
The reason is that when your marketing message is too broad in scope, it fails to capture the attention of your target customer.
Think about it. The best marketing campaigns feel like they’re speaking directly to you. You read a tagline and giggle at how much you relate. You hold back tears during that one commercial that feels so close to home.
Instead, identify your niche and create a buyer persona specifically around that specific niche customer. Then, focus your marketing campaign on talking directly to them.
3. Keep Your Website Content Fresh
“The website’s done,” said no one ever. A website is a living marketing asset that needs ongoing care and maintenance.
Maybe you’ve nailed down the big stuff, like setting up an easy way to make purchases or locate key information. That’s an excellent start.
Now, make a recurring reminder on your calendar to check in on your website. Each time you do, approach it through the eyes of your target customer and ask questions like:
- Is the load speed acceptable?
- Are there any updates? Is there something new to read, watch, or shop?
- When was the last time the blog was updated? Is the last post dated from 2017?
When your website is updated regularly, it entices your customers to return and catch up. This is exactly what you want your loyal customers to do, so help them out! It also grows your reach into longer-tail keywords. Not to be too meta about it, but if you’re reading this sentence, then the strategy is working.
4. There’s More Than One Way to Do SEO
For a lot of people in MarComs jobs, being told they need to do SEO is like telling them to eat their vegetables. They know it has benefits, but they don’t want to spend their time doing it.
However, SEO can undoubtedly increase web traffic, and in turn, website conversions. Remember, Google is the world’s largest focus group, and it would be a mistake to not include it in your marketing efforts.
SEO can be addressed in several different ways, and in ways that work best around your limited time and resources.
- Adding weekly or monthly blog posts that include the best keywords for attracting your target customer.
- Using Google Trends data to find new and emerging keywords that are relevant to your audience, and then write content around those keywords.
- Adding an FAQ page to your website that includes some of the most likely questions your target customer will search.
- Focusing on one website page per month, updating its content to include some of the best keywords for your business, and switching out images to make the page look fresh.
Remember, focus on the SEO tactics you can currently manage and, of course, track your website traffic to confirm your strategy is working.u0026nbsp;
5. Overlook Email Marketing and You’re Missing Out Big Time
Somewhere along the line, email marketing got labeled as boring. We all suffer from the deluge of inbox insanity and, often, think that email doesn’t work. Are you guilty of this?
We never hesitate to say that email marketing is one of the most valuable marketing tools you can invest time into!
Email addresses are valuable, so when a customer gives one to you, you should see it as a love note. It means they want to hear from you. What they don’t want is for you to send garbage. Nurture your email lists and show your most ardent advocates you care.
To show your appreciation, create valuable email content that they’ll be excited to receive. Funny Friday afternoon notes, special VIP perks, and first dibs on new products are just a few examples of the special content you can send them to thank them for their loyalty.
Take it a step further and offer a perk for their referral of your brand. You’ll soon learn why boring is the last way to describe email marketing.
What’s Next?
Now you can say you have 5 marketing secrets in your back pocket, straight from the playbook of a strategic marketing agency.
Give them a try on your own, or reach out to partner with us on your next big campaign. This is the work we love to do!